Over a lifetime Christmas is a series of ever-changing mysteries. In childhood the mystery is "What's inside the wrapping paper?". Later, it becomes, "Where did they hide the presents?". Later it becomes "Is this Christmas the right time to give her an engagement ring?". Later it becomes "How will we be able to afford presents for the kids?" Later it becomes "What can I buy someone who already has everything?"
Is there any Christmas mystery left for you? Is there anything about the season that makes you smile in wonder? Does anything still thrill you and a send a shiver down your spine?
There is a mystery-a mystery greater and more wonderful than all the others combined. And that mystery isn't wrapped in colorful paper; it's wrapped in swaddling clothes. It isn't laid under the tree; it's laid to sleep in a manger. It's the Baby born inBethlehem .
What's so mysterious about that? It's the fact that this Baby is the almighty Son of God, stooping down to become one of His creatures: a mere human. Why would He want to expose Himself to all the hurt and suffering in our crazy world? Why would God be willing to become our substitute and earn our way to heaven by His perfect life, and to suffer and die in our place on the cross?
That is the greatest mystery, a mystery God has revealed to the world. It sends a shiver down your spine to ponder what kind of love moved Him to do all of this for you.
Is there any Christmas mystery left for you? Is there anything about the season that makes you smile in wonder? Does anything still thrill you and a send a shiver down your spine?
There is a mystery-a mystery greater and more wonderful than all the others combined. And that mystery isn't wrapped in colorful paper; it's wrapped in swaddling clothes. It isn't laid under the tree; it's laid to sleep in a manger. It's the Baby born in
What's so mysterious about that? It's the fact that this Baby is the almighty Son of God, stooping down to become one of His creatures: a mere human. Why would He want to expose Himself to all the hurt and suffering in our crazy world? Why would God be willing to become our substitute and earn our way to heaven by His perfect life, and to suffer and die in our place on the cross?
That is the greatest mystery, a mystery God has revealed to the world. It sends a shiver down your spine to ponder what kind of love moved Him to do all of this for you.