July 20th - August 18th is Ramadan, the holiest time for a Muslim. Would you pray during these days for fellow Christians living in Islamic-dominated countries, for strength when they are harassed, for comfort when they are fearful, but most importantly that they may be emboldened to share the Gospel when possible?
"Blessed are they who suffer persecution for justice sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
Day 30: August 18
There is a kind of joy in suffering true persecution which confirms our relationship with Christ.
Father God, on the last day of Ramadan may Christians be abundantly filled with joy even in the midst of their persecution. May the source of that joy be a mystery to their persecutors causing them to seek to know the reasons ... and may they find You.
Thoughts, insights & sentence sermons from Pastor Steven Tiner, Senior Pastor at Levy Baptist Church in North Little Rock. If you find this blog inspirational please send the address along to your friends and family.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
July 20th - August
18th is Ramadan, the holiest time for a Muslim. Would you pray during these days
for fellow Christians living in Islamic-dominated countries, for strength when
they are harassed, for comfort when they are fearful, but most importantly that
they may be emboldened to share the Gospel when
"Blessed are they who suffer persecution for justice sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
Day 29: August 17
The persecuted suffer for doing rigteousness and standing in the truth of Christ.
Those living across the globe in Comoros Islands, Djibouti, United Arab Emirates, and Brunei are suffering only becuase they stand on the truth of Christ, living their lives of righteousness. Father, today hear their cries, strengthen them to remain bold in their faith and show Your glory in the midst of their suffering.
"Blessed are they who suffer persecution for justice sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
Day 29: August 17
The persecuted suffer for doing rigteousness and standing in the truth of Christ.
Those living across the globe in Comoros Islands, Djibouti, United Arab Emirates, and Brunei are suffering only becuase they stand on the truth of Christ, living their lives of righteousness. Father, today hear their cries, strengthen them to remain bold in their faith and show Your glory in the midst of their suffering.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
July 20th - August
18th is Ramadan, the holiest time for a Muslim. Would you pray during these days
for fellow Christians living in Islamic-dominated countries, for strength when
they are harassed, for comfort when they are fearful, but most importantly that
they may be emboldened to share the Gospel when
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."
Day 28: August 16
Peacemakers are an enemy of Satan.
Lord, we know that many Christians suffer persecution because they stand as reminders to Satan, and those under his power, that Christ is in them to stay. Even as they suffer injustice, like Asia Bibi in Pakistan, bring to mind that You stand with them and they they share in the suffering You suffered on their behalf.
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."
Day 28: August 16
Peacemakers are an enemy of Satan.
Lord, we know that many Christians suffer persecution because they stand as reminders to Satan, and those under his power, that Christ is in them to stay. Even as they suffer injustice, like Asia Bibi in Pakistan, bring to mind that You stand with them and they they share in the suffering You suffered on their behalf.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
July 20th - August 18th is Ramadan, the holiest time for a Muslim. Would you pray during these days for fellow Christians living in Islamic-dominated countries, for strength when they are harassed, for comfort when they are fearful, but most importantly that they may be emboldened to share the Gospel when possible?
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."
Day 27: August 15
It is through strength and godly knowledge that peacemakers seek to establish peace.
Father, increase a hunger for Your Word in our lives that we might know You more. We pray that Your Spirit might strengthen us to stand for true peace across the globe as we pray especially for our brothers and sisters in Mauritania and Morocco; intervening as You enable us for the cause of justice.
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."
Day 27: August 15
It is through strength and godly knowledge that peacemakers seek to establish peace.
Father, increase a hunger for Your Word in our lives that we might know You more. We pray that Your Spirit might strengthen us to stand for true peace across the globe as we pray especially for our brothers and sisters in Mauritania and Morocco; intervening as You enable us for the cause of justice.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
July 20th - August
18th is Ramadan, the holiest time for a Muslim. Would you pray during these days
for fellow Christians living in Islamic-dominated countries, for strength when
they are harassed, for comfort when they are fearful, but most importantly that
they may be emboldened to share the Gospel when possible?
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."
Day 26: August 14
Peacemakers realize that the peace can only be obtained by trusting in Jesus Christ.
Father, we know that true peace can only be found through faith in Christ. Father fill Your flock world-wide today with an abundance of godly peace, so that this Ramadan holy day, Laylat-al-Qadr (Night of Power) those who hunger for peace will seek and find it in You.
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."
Day 26: August 14
Peacemakers realize that the peace can only be obtained by trusting in Jesus Christ.
Father, we know that true peace can only be found through faith in Christ. Father fill Your flock world-wide today with an abundance of godly peace, so that this Ramadan holy day, Laylat-al-Qadr (Night of Power) those who hunger for peace will seek and find it in You.
Monday, August 13, 2012
July 20th - August
18th is Ramadan, the holiest time for a Muslim. Would you pray during these days
for fellow Christians living in Islamic-dominated countries, for strength when
they are harassed, for comfort when they are fearful, but most importantly that
they may be emboldened to share the Gospel when possible?
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."
Day 25: August 13
Peacemakers delight in peace and attempt to advance peace everywhere.
Lord Jesus, the greatest act of peacemaking was Your sacrifice on the cross. We pray for those living in the midst of political hostility and chaos in the Palestinian Territories, that You fill them with Your peace during this Ramadan season. May this perfect peace be visible and draw those who do not know You into a relationship with You.
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."
Day 25: August 13
Peacemakers delight in peace and attempt to advance peace everywhere.
Lord Jesus, the greatest act of peacemaking was Your sacrifice on the cross. We pray for those living in the midst of political hostility and chaos in the Palestinian Territories, that You fill them with Your peace during this Ramadan season. May this perfect peace be visible and draw those who do not know You into a relationship with You.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
July 20th - August 18th is Ramadan, the holiest time for a Muslim. Would you pray during these days for fellow Christians living in Islamic-dominated countries, for strength when they are harassed, for comfort when they are fearful, but most importantly that they may be emboldened to share the Gospel when possible?
"Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God."
Day 24: August 12
Through their faith in Christ, the pure in heart sees God in all circumstances.
Father, today we ask You to increase the faith in persecuted Christians in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, especially during this month of Ramadan. As they see Your clear presence in all their circumstances, enable them to bear up under pain and hardship, assured of Your goodness and power in their lives.
"Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God."
Day 24: August 12
Through their faith in Christ, the pure in heart sees God in all circumstances.
Father, today we ask You to increase the faith in persecuted Christians in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, especially during this month of Ramadan. As they see Your clear presence in all their circumstances, enable them to bear up under pain and hardship, assured of Your goodness and power in their lives.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
July 20th - August 18th is Ramadan, the holiest time for a Muslim. Would you pray during these days for fellow Christians living in Islamic-dominated countries, for strength when they are harassed, for comfort when they are fearful, but most importantly that they may be emboldened to share the Gospel when possible?
"Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God."
Day 23: August 11
The pure in heart live in confidence knowing that they will see Christ face-to-face in heaven.
Lord, today we lift up those who travel across difficult borders taking scriptures in countries where Your Word is banned. Father as they face the threat of beating, imprisonment and even death if discovered, fill their hearts with the sure knowledge that one day they will see You face-to-face when You will honor their faithfulness to You.
"Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God."
Day 23: August 11
The pure in heart live in confidence knowing that they will see Christ face-to-face in heaven.
Lord, today we lift up those who travel across difficult borders taking scriptures in countries where Your Word is banned. Father as they face the threat of beating, imprisonment and even death if discovered, fill their hearts with the sure knowledge that one day they will see You face-to-face when You will honor their faithfulness to You.
Friday, August 10, 2012
July 20th - August 18th is Ramadan, the holiest time for a Muslim. Would you pray during these days for fellow Christians living in Islamic-dominated countries, for strength when they are harassed, for comfort when they are fearful, but most importantly that they may be emboldened to share the Gospel when possible?
"Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God."
Day 22: August 10
The pure in heart have been given by the Spirit a new heart, one that desires God.
Thank You, Father, for the new hearts You have placed within us. Increase daily our desire for You. In countries like Northern Nigeria and Sudan where violence is reigning now, may believers be filled with a vision of You that their godly lives might be a testimony to their neighbors.
"Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God."
Day 22: August 10
The pure in heart have been given by the Spirit a new heart, one that desires God.
Thank You, Father, for the new hearts You have placed within us. Increase daily our desire for You. In countries like Northern Nigeria and Sudan where violence is reigning now, may believers be filled with a vision of You that their godly lives might be a testimony to their neighbors.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
July 20th - August
18th is Ramadan, the holiest time for a Muslim. Would you pray during these days
for fellow Christians living in Islamic-dominated countries, for strength when
they are harassed, for comfort when they are fearful, but most importantly that
they may be emboldened to share the Gospel when possible?
"Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God."
Day 21: August 9
The pure in heart know that their hearts are naturally impure and are in need of Christ's cleansing.
Father, our hearts grieve for brothers and sisters in Somalia and Mauritania where evil is all around them. Remind them daily during Ramadan of their own need for cleansing that they will begin each day with pure hearts, showing others Your Spirit that glows inside of them.
"Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God."
Day 21: August 9
The pure in heart know that their hearts are naturally impure and are in need of Christ's cleansing.
Father, our hearts grieve for brothers and sisters in Somalia and Mauritania where evil is all around them. Remind them daily during Ramadan of their own need for cleansing that they will begin each day with pure hearts, showing others Your Spirit that glows inside of them.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
July 20th - August 18th is Ramadan, the holiest time for a Muslim. Would you pray during these days for fellow Christians living in Islamic-dominated countries, for strength when they are harassed, for comfort when they are fearful, but most importantly that they may be emboldened to share the Gospel when possible?
"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy."
Day 20: August 8
The merciful forgive those who have wronged them and show mercy to all.
Father God, many who live with daily persecution have endured so much injustice and hardship. They have been imprisoned and family members have died simply because they worship You. Protect them from bitterness. As You have forgiven us all, during Ramadan release forgiveness in them toward perpetrators of violence.
"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy."
Day 20: August 8
The merciful forgive those who have wronged them and show mercy to all.
Father God, many who live with daily persecution have endured so much injustice and hardship. They have been imprisoned and family members have died simply because they worship You. Protect them from bitterness. As You have forgiven us all, during Ramadan release forgiveness in them toward perpetrators of violence.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
July 20th - August 18th is Ramadan, the holiest time for a Muslim. Would you pray during these days for fellow Christians living in Islamic-dominated countries, for strength when they are harassed, for comfort when they are fearful, but most importantly that they may be emboldened to share the Gospel when possible?
"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy."
Day 19: August 7
The merciful freely seek and receive God's mercy, and then pour it out on others.
Father, as You draw Secret Believer to Your Word during Ramadan. May they prayerfully seek opportunities to demonstrate Your mercy, especially for those living in Iran and Saudi Arabia. Father, may they extend Spirit-filled compassion to their neighbors who will see Christ in them.
"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy."
Day 19: August 7
The merciful freely seek and receive God's mercy, and then pour it out on others.
Father, as You draw Secret Believer to Your Word during Ramadan. May they prayerfully seek opportunities to demonstrate Your mercy, especially for those living in Iran and Saudi Arabia. Father, may they extend Spirit-filled compassion to their neighbors who will see Christ in them.
Monday, August 6, 2012
July 20th - August 18th is Ramadan, the holiest time for a Muslim. Would you pray during these days for fellow Christians living in Islamic-dominated countries, for strength when they are harassed, for comfort when they are fearful, but most importantly that they may be emboldened to share the Gospel when possible?
"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy."
Day 18: August 6
The merciful understand acutely their own need of God's mercy.
Lord, we each come to You with nothing to offer, in complete need of Your mercy. We call on You to pour out Your mercy and compassion on Christians in Oman and Kuwait. During this month of Ramadan may they have opportunities to extend that compassion to their Muslim neighbors.
"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy."
Day 18: August 6
The merciful understand acutely their own need of God's mercy.
Lord, we each come to You with nothing to offer, in complete need of Your mercy. We call on You to pour out Your mercy and compassion on Christians in Oman and Kuwait. During this month of Ramadan may they have opportunities to extend that compassion to their Muslim neighbors.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
July 20th - August 18th is Ramadan, the holiest time for a Muslim. Would you pray during these days for fellow Christians living in Islamic-dominated countries, for strength when they are harassed, for comfort when they are fearful, but most importantly that they may be emboldened to share the Gospel when possible?
"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy."
Day 17: August 5
The merciful show compassion to those who suffer and they go out of their way to help.
Father, thank You for those who are persecuted for their faith, and yet, even in their suffering have compassion on their neighbors and show mercy to them. Protect and strengthen those living in war-torn Syria letting their lives of mercy light the way for those living in darkness.
"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy."
Day 17: August 5
The merciful show compassion to those who suffer and they go out of their way to help.
Father, thank You for those who are persecuted for their faith, and yet, even in their suffering have compassion on their neighbors and show mercy to them. Protect and strengthen those living in war-torn Syria letting their lives of mercy light the way for those living in darkness.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
July 20th - August 18th is Ramadan, the holiest time for a Muslim. Would you pray during these days for fellow Christians living in Islamic-dominated countries, for strength when they are harassed, for comfort when they are fearful, but most importantly that they may be emboldened to share the Gospel when possible?
"Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."
Day 16: August 4
The righteous believer feeds hungrily on the Word of God that he will live a God-filled life.
Father, for Christians working in government and other places of influence increase their hunger for Your Word and godly living. Strengthen them to live lives of righteousness even when persecuted and intimidated. May You fill them with wisdom in their actions ultimately drawing others to You.
"Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."
Day 16: August 4
The righteous believer feeds hungrily on the Word of God that he will live a God-filled life.
Father, for Christians working in government and other places of influence increase their hunger for Your Word and godly living. Strengthen them to live lives of righteousness even when persecuted and intimidated. May You fill them with wisdom in their actions ultimately drawing others to You.
Friday, August 3, 2012
July 20th - August 18th is Ramadan, the holiest time for a Muslim. Would you pray during these days for fellow Christians living in Islamic-dominated countries, for strength when they are harassed, for comfort when they are fearful, but most importantly that they may be emboldened to share the Gospel when possible?
"Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."
Day 15: August 3
The righteous believer listens to Christ speaking to his heart, conscience, soul and spirit.
Lord, as believers living under the perils of Sharia law in Afghanistan and Somalia bring their lives before Your Spirit, speak to their hearts, purify their consciences, cleanse their souls and strengthen their spirits that their righteous lives will be a living testimony that leads many to follow You.
"Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."
Day 15: August 3
The righteous believer listens to Christ speaking to his heart, conscience, soul and spirit.
Lord, as believers living under the perils of Sharia law in Afghanistan and Somalia bring their lives before Your Spirit, speak to their hearts, purify their consciences, cleanse their souls and strengthen their spirits that their righteous lives will be a living testimony that leads many to follow You.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
July 20th - August 18th is Ramadan, the holiest time for a Muslim. Would you pray during these days for fellow Christians living in Islamic-dominated countries, for strength when they are harassed, for comfort when they are fearful, but most importantly that they may be emboldened to share the Gospel when possible?
"Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."
Day 14: August 2
The righteous believer conforms every thought, decision, word and action to what pleases Christ.
Father, with Your living water, cleanse the hearts of believers in Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan that they may search their hearts daily. Out of clean hearts we pray that they live lives of rigteous integrity before their Muslim family and neighbors in this month of Ramadan. May their righteousness be a beacon of light in the darkness.
"Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."
Day 14: August 2
The righteous believer conforms every thought, decision, word and action to what pleases Christ.
Father, with Your living water, cleanse the hearts of believers in Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan that they may search their hearts daily. Out of clean hearts we pray that they live lives of rigteous integrity before their Muslim family and neighbors in this month of Ramadan. May their righteousness be a beacon of light in the darkness.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
July 20th - August 18th is Ramadan, the holiest time for a Muslim. Would you pray during these days for fellow Christians living in Islamic-dominated countries, for strength when they are harassed, for comfort when they are fearful, but most importantly that they may be emboldened to share the Gospel when possible?
"Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."
Day 13: August 1
The righteous live in complete accordance with the will of God - all that is just, honorable and godly.
When the evil intents of men confront our brothers and sisters in Qatar and Bahrain, we pray, Lord, that You would satisfy their hunger for Your Word and empower them to live just, honorable and godly lives before their enemies ... especially during Ramadan.
"Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."
Day 13: August 1
The righteous live in complete accordance with the will of God - all that is just, honorable and godly.
When the evil intents of men confront our brothers and sisters in Qatar and Bahrain, we pray, Lord, that You would satisfy their hunger for Your Word and empower them to live just, honorable and godly lives before their enemies ... especially during Ramadan.
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