Thursday, August 2, 2012

July 20th - August 18th is Ramadan, the holiest time for a Muslim. Would you pray during these days for fellow Christians living in Islamic-dominated countries, for strength when they are harassed, for comfort when they are fearful, but most importantly that they may be emboldened to share the Gospel when possible?

"Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."

Day 14: August 2

The righteous believer conforms every thought, decision, word and action to what pleases Christ.

Father, with Your living water, cleanse the hearts of believers in Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan that they may search their hearts daily.  Out of clean hearts we pray that they live lives of rigteous integrity before their Muslim family and neighbors in this month of Ramadan.  May their righteousness be a beacon of light in the darkness.

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